Sunday, July 18, 2010

And he wonders aloud why feelings so strong make the body so weak...

Secrets don't make friends and friends don't keep secrets. Secrets and lies. Yuck.

I had all kinds of things to write I've forgotten them because I just spent close to an hour on Zoo World. Ew.

I'm really tired, and my stomach hurts. I'm not going to bed yet. I'm not sure why. I'm just not.

I found out a certain someone from my past was in a wreck and was injured and I couldn't help but think they kind of deserved it. And then I felt guilty for thinking that.

My hands feel dry. I don't like that feeling. Also, I'm cold as heck.

I really should just go to bed. I'm not going to be able to think straight enough to write anything worth reading.

I have to try to remember what songs I'm singing tomorrow so that I can make some lyric sheets for people to sing along to.

I can remember 3 of 5 so far. That's a good start.

I wish I'd gotten a video of that squirrel eating the cupcake...and fighting the pigeons. And a picture of that beautiful blue jay.

Right now I'm talking to people from my past and it's curious.

Today is a weird, anxiety-ridden day.

I want to work out. I think tomorrow morning. Neither of those things were complete thoughts. I think tomorrow morning I'm going to work out. A lot.

Sometimes, I like to sit and just listen and try to pick out what exactly it is I'm hearing. It's kind of difficult. Like, sometimes you hear things you don't even realize are there. It's a fun game to play with other people, too.

I don't understand lies. I don't understand what purpose they play. I don't like them because they just make me feel more guilty in the end. I think they make everything more complicated. I think they're bad for everyone. I think they seem appealing, but they tear things down in the end. I think telling half-truths is frustrating, too.

Oh, well.

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